Calculate multiple time and distance calculations in Excel

What is Tender+?

The Tender+ functionality in TLNplanner is designed to make quick and reliable calculations for multiple time, distance, toll costs, transport costs & emission calculations in Excel. This functionality is standard in TLNplanner and it does not require a separate installation or update. A user interface is available for setting the parameters and for uploading and downloading data sets in Excel. In short, no interfaces need to be created.

The bulk calculations are performed in the background, even when you log out of TLNplanner, shut down your internet browser, or turn off your computer. Once the calculations have been completed, you will receive an in-app notification or an email message.

Multiple stops in Tender+

Previously it was only possible to perform calculations from A to B. From now on it is also possible to add intermediate points and to include this in the calculation.

What can you achieve with Tender+

Fast and reliable transport costs calculation

When you have to manually perform multiple calculations for a new tender, this can be very time consuming and mistakes can easily be made. An incorrect calculation can have a big impact on the rest of the calculation. With tender+ you can rely on the accurate calculation that you are used to from TLNplanner, but created in Excel. You are assured of the latest map material, as well as the current and future toll costs. In short: avoid mistakes and save time.

Strategic decisions

Compare the impact of changes in distances, transport costs, driving and rest periods and the toll costs of different vehicles to get a clear picture of the costs and benefits. Furthermore, you can also calculate already completed journeys, so that you can generate various reports of, among other things, the profitability of customers.

Use Tender+

The Tender+ module is only available within TLNplanner. The first hundred calculations are free of charge. Are you convinced? Then contact us to discuss the options. This can be done via or on +31 (0) 346 581 600.