A.V.G. Transport provides full or partial logistics for a wide range of national and international clients, transporting building materials, for example. Their primary operating area includes the Benelux, France and Germany. The transport can consist of loose volume, bulk, waste containers, exceptional transport using low loaders and concrete mortar with mixers.

Planning software

The vehicle fleet is flexible thanks to an efficient and sophisticated logistics planning system, through which optimum use is made of every transport movement. A.V.G. Transport previously used TLNplanner DVD, but switched to TLNplanner Internet when it was introduced in 2012. The reasoning? The internet version is quicker, easier to use and includes more useful functions for daily work.

The biggest advantage is the fact that the planners can quickly calculate a price. The route planner is primarily used to calculate haulage prices and to put together transportations. The distances and routes are compared in advance using TLNplanner Internet, so that the most efficient route can be calculated.


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