Ewals Cargo
Ewals Cargo Care has been active in logistics for more than a hundred years. The family company, established in 1906, is now managed by the fourth generation of Ewals. The company has 1,600 employees, responsible for around 5,000 transport orders within and outside Europe every day.
Ewals Cargo Care has been using TLNplanner since its introduction. For the calculation of transportation routes, they chose the standard route planner, TLNplanner DVD. The disks were installed locally and the annual updates meant a lot of extra work. Ewals decided to switch to TLNplanner Internet. This meant every user was quickly provided with updates as these take place automatically within TLNplanner Internet. The Ewals Cargo Care administrator can also manage and allocate licences effectively through the online customer services.
Use of TLNplanner
Ewals Cargo Care uses TLNplanner Internet for daily route planning, including calculation of kilometres and routes. Combining loading points to create an efficient route delivers results for groupage transport, for example. A large number of addresses are loaded into TLNplanner and this ensures the optimum route. After route optimisation has been carried out, it is possible to manually adjust the routes.
Advantages of TLNplanner Internet
The greatest advantage of TLNplanner Internet is the fact that it fits perfectly with Ewals Cargo Care’s total concept, in which planners are not restricted to a permanent workspace. They use a private cloud and have access to two data centres in Belgium for this. All the key business applications are run there. TLNplanner Internet can be accessed via the public cloud.
Ewals Green Care
The NEC (Network Excellence Centre) engineers at Ewals Cargo Care also use the toll scenarios and CO2 reduction functions in TLNplanner. The company is participating in the Lean and Green project – a government incentive programme that allows organisations to increase their level of sustainability by taking measures that simultaneously reduce their environmental taxes.