TLNplanner is the standard route planner for the logistics sector. The distances calculated by shipping and transport companies with this route calculator are considered the standard when drawing up transport invoices. TLNplanner is also simply a very handy route planner.

TLNplanner was developed by PTV Group in collaboration with the branch association Transport & Logistiek Nederland (TLN). The reasoning behind it was the logistics sector's overwhelming need for a standardised system for calculating distances. TLNplanner avoids misunderstandings and disputes about distances charged.

Shippers and transport companies throughout the Netherlands and abroad use TLNplanner to calculate quotations, plan transport, calculate toll costs and prepare invoices. The route planner also takes into account the characteristics of the various vehicles. In other words, the calculated routes, times and distances are based on your specific vehicle profile.

TLNplanner is used for:


What does TLNplanner take into account?

  • Toll roads
  • Environmental zones
  • Driving times and rest periods
  • Traffic information
  • Different vehicle profiles (LHV & ADR among others)
  • Parking areas trucks

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